Culinary Farmacy



Elisa Haggarty, Founder, Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Expert, Holistic Health Coach.

As the Founder of Culinary Farmacy in 2010, my vision was to create a space to educate and empower people to use food and mindful eating as a tool and experience for healing and connection.

Solved for:

Culinary Farmacy’s services were centered around 1v1 coaching and also leveraged the power of community through two online courses, The 22 Day Sugar Cleanse and The Brain Fog Solution. Each course took hundreds and collectively, a few thousand people through the curriculum with results that were life changing, and life sustaining. 

I created The 22 Day Sugar Cleanse and The Brain Fog Solution.

brainfog 22daych.png


Clients were guided by me in a 1v1 fashion and through group trainings to understand the principles of eating and living for optimal blood sugar balance which was the cornerstone of how I worked to create a baseline homeostasis for the body.

The 22 Day Sugar Cleanse empowered people to focus on:

  • Blood sugar balance

  • Anti-inflammatory eating 

  • Sleep hygiene

  • Emotional intelligence around food and cravings

  • Habit formation 

  • Powerful mindset shifts 

  • How to leverage their family and friends for empowered support

The Brain Fog Solution: A 30 Day Course to improve energy and boost mental clarity:

The Brain Fog Solution offered an interactive and personal approach for each person to understand their triggers, meditators for optimal brain function. This course was launched on the cutting edge clinical knowledge that the increase of depression, mood related disorders and what are thought to be diseases of the old like Dementia and Alzheimers are closely tied to dietary and lifestyle factors - that are largely in our control.

Each participant was given ample resources to make friends with food in the kitchen and while dining out. I broke down complex dietary approaches into practical and inviting ways to nourish the self.

 The Company:

Culinary Farmacy was created in 2010 when I was beginning to connect the dots between dietary and lifestyle interventions on human health. I founded Culinary Farmacy to be a bridge between the culinary and the clinical - helping ensure my clients understand the unique role that their diet and lifestyle had on their energy, cravings and mood.


I no longer offer nutrition coaching, but the good news is we can still work together!


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