EP40: Finding The Shift with Disembodied Eating with Michelle Cleary


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Episode Description

Episode 40 on The School of Unlearning podcast features Michelle Cleary who is a licensed psychotherapist. Michelle brings a radical and essential framework to the world called, “The Shift”. Michelle has battled what she calls “disembodied eating” for much of her life and shares how we can all begin to rethink and reframe what society has called “disordered eating”. Her approach in “The Shift” is to teach practices and tools that empower people to come back to their bodies, to inquire and make friends with their habits and build a new relationship to themselves.

Show Notes

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Michelle’s path in facing adverse childhood trauma and how she experienced disembodied eating 

  • How we have a culture of “departure” from the present moment and how that impacts our nervous systems and habits. 

  • What disembodied is vs disordered eating 

  • What role the nervous system plays in disembodied eating 

  • How important co-regulation is in health and specifically in breaking patterns that cause harm. 

  • Michelle’s radical approach to helping people embrace a new way of thinking and embracing their eating habits. It all begins with a return to the self, the body - a coming home of sorts that allows each person to stand firmly in their power. 


    If you liked this episode, we think you’ll enjoy episode 41 with Lauren Fleshman.

    Peter Levine and his research in Trauma 

    For more on Michelle and her "Find the Shift" program, click here: www.findtheshift.com 


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